How to make money with a free application

   How to make money with a free application

This article will talk exclusively free apps. The free model is not necessarily compatible with sloppy application or uninteresting (A criticism often used in Android).
The purpose of this article is not to reinvent the wheel but to transpose models that have worked in other areas like the press with the daily Metro or 20minutes. There are plenty of other ways to earn money with a free application.Put advertising
The most commonly used by publishers of mobile applications, advertising can be very profitable (technical used by Rovio). However, we must think of providing an application (priced) free of advertising. Method used too infrequently for IOS application.A version of tries
That may be the model I advise the least. In fact, the lifetime of an application is typically one month. Nevertheless, even if this can be considered a suicide for some, for others it is very lucrative model is the case with navigation applications like TomTom or Mappy.the Freenium
First, we must not forget that Freemium = Free + Premium, therefore, is a free application coupled with a paid application. Model chosen by Busuu application, If you want to go further in learning a language requires a subscription.Sponsoring
A further method rarely used in applications. However, I think that this payment method is very interesting for several types of applications, including games. Proposed bonus points or feature for a week, if one views a video or clicking on a banner, is a very good idea. This ensures a greater click through rate with this method, if the advertising is our only income.The total charge for the user
And yes, there are totally free applications. I'm not talking about social networks or information of some signs applications. Here I speak of publishers make money with this type of application (eg Dis Moi where FidMe, Plyce ...). Indeed, they do not make money with consumers but with the signs listed in their appications.
Free is very profitable for mobile application publishers. However, for each sector, there is a business model adapted to it.
Choose yours
Feel free to contact me if you know of other economic models to earn money with a free application

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